Get involved with our work to support individuals seeking asylum!

Welcome to CHRIA!

Based in VP&S at Columbia University, we are an organization of students and faculty committed to developing a human rights-based approach to medicine. Through our events and the student-run Asylum Clinic, we seek to raise awareness of and challenge the current dialogue around human rights, as well as advocate for the use of medicine to identify, document, and alleviate human rights abuses.

Over 290 clients for 49 countries, and counting


Asylum Clinic

The student-run VP&S Asylum Clinic provides pro bono medical evaluations to those seeking asylum in the United States, working with trained psychiatric, medical, and gynecological physicians, clinical social workers, and psychologists. Evaluations are then used for affidavits as part of an asylum applicant’s legal case, supporting clients as they navigate through asylum application process and the immigration court system. | Find out more >>

Training and Education

Alongside partner organizations and peers at other medical schools, we provide training programs for physician and student evaluators to participate in providing medical evaluations and writing affidavits, seeking to expand the base of clinicians and students formally trained to support those seeking humanitarian protection. | Find out more >>


Through our clinic operations, databases, initiatives, and communities, we spearhead research projects in relevant subject areas with the goal of better understanding the role of medicine in human rights abuses, including but not limited to health outcomes, client experiences, and physician and student awareness. | Find out more >>

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all of our services and events are currently being conducted virtually. Please stay safe!

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